Anyone watch Nikita?
(too old to reply)
lab~rat >:-)
2010-09-22 15:20:53 UTC
I have.
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Greg Buchner
2010-09-22 22:22:11 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
I have.
So far I'm watching it.

Greg B.
Actual e-mail address is gregbuchner and I'm located at gmail.com
lab~rat >:-)
2010-09-23 14:18:32 UTC
Post by Greg Buchner
Post by lab~rat >:-)
I have.
So far I'm watching it.
Greg B.
So far it's a lot like Dark Angel in a lot of respects.
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Greg Buchner
2010-09-23 20:53:26 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by Greg Buchner
Post by lab~rat >:-)
I have.
So far I'm watching it.
Greg B.
So far it's a lot like Dark Angel in a lot of respects.
Yes, definitely see that.

Now, as long as they don't start bringing in the monster-of-the-week in
season 2...

Greg B.
Actual e-mail address is gregbuchner and I'm located at gmail.com