(too old to reply)
2005-09-21 01:23:09 UTC
Whatever happened to Kendra? She quasi-romanced Lydecker, but I never
saw what followed. Did she betray Max in some way? I'm still getting
into the series on Dvd.

Rick Truell
2005-09-22 04:04:46 UTC
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Whatever happened to Kendra?
I sorta wondered about that too. Seems she just kind of vanished...at
least, I don't recall any reason being given in the show for her
Post by TV
She quasi-romanced Lydecker,
I think you're mistaking someone for Lydecker. She romanced the cop
that had been blackmailing everyone living on that floor ("Mr.
Multiples"), but I don't recall her romancing Lydecker.
* Rick PGP info in headers Web: RSN <grin>! *
2005-09-22 18:09:42 UTC
<<I think you're mistaking someone for Lydecker. >>

Not really. During "Prodigy", Kendra is present during the genetic talk
along with Max, posing as a reporter in the know about genes. Kendra
was also near Lydecker, and at one point, she and he flirt. Remember,
he also trusted her to hide his gun from the kidnappers too. So there
was a connection before he just "chose" her to safeguard the gun.
Rick Truell
2005-09-28 07:41:59 UTC
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<<I think you're mistaking someone for Lydecker. >>
Not really. During "Prodigy", Kendra is present during the genetic talk
along with Max, posing as a reporter in the know about genes. Kendra
was also near Lydecker, and at one point, she and he flirt.
Yes, but flirting is *not* romancing. Kendra did *not* romance
* Rick PGP info in headers Web: RSN <grin>! *
2005-09-22 19:01:28 UTC
<<I think you're mistaking someone for Lydecker. >>

Not really. During "Prodigy", Kendra is present during the genetic talk
along with Max, posing as a reporter in the know about genes. Kendra
was also near Lydecker, and at one point, she and he flirt. Remember,
he also trusted her to hide his gun from the kidnappers too. So there
was a connection before he just "chose" her to safeguard the gun.
Greg Buchner
2005-09-23 02:26:13 UTC
Post by TV
<<I think you're mistaking someone for Lydecker. >>
Not really. During "Prodigy", Kendra is present during the genetic talk
along with Max, posing as a reporter in the know about genes. Kendra
was also near Lydecker, and at one point, she and he flirt. Remember,
he also trusted her to hide his gun from the kidnappers too. So there
was a connection before he just "chose" her to safeguard the gun.
I think you're reading more into that episode than what actually
happened. Kendra had nothing to do with Lydecker before the episode and
nothing to do with him after.

The 'show' decided she wasn't need and was written out by her moving in
with the cop that checked out the building her and Max were squatting in.

Greg B.
Actual e-mail address is gbuchner and I'm located at mn.rr.com