Keshia Knight Pulliam topless video RUDY FROM COSBY SHOW
(too old to reply)
2004-08-30 15:07:44 UTC
This video is allegedly of Keshia Knight Pulliam. She use to star as
Rudy on the cosby show years ago, now you can probably catch her on
those stupid celebrity shows like the mole. It's where most former
stars end up once they are no longer the favourite flavor in the eyes
of Hollywood executives.
Now the guy who filmed this swears it's her, I'm just having a hard
time confirming it due to the lighting in the scene, so it's up to you
guys to make up your mind.
The 2004 Usenet Awards http://geocities.com/usenetawards
She's black, eick.

Inc- Is a racist, who talks to himself.

I like to change my nick name from time to time. If
you're a person that cares about what nickname I use on
usenet, you're a person I want nothing to do with.
If you take usenet that seriously, it's obvious to me
that you are a loser, and I want nothing to do with you.
Please if you are that type of person, leave me alone.

I lost my sig and this is all I got left.
~Iñ©üßü§~ Responds To Every Post I Make
2004-08-30 15:30:04 UTC
The day Mon, 30 Aug 2004 08:10:56 -0300, "Presto"
This video is allegedly of Keshia Knight Pulliam. She use to star as
Rudy on the cosby show years ago,
Inc, she's about 24 now.
Inc-Was pretending to be a moron while talking to myself.

I like to change my nick name from time to time. If
you're a person that cares about what nickname I use on
usenet, you're a person I want nothing to do with.
If you take usenet that seriously, it's obvious to me
that you are a loser, and I want nothing to do with you.
Please if you are that type of person, leave me alone.

I lost my sig and this is all I got left.
2004-08-30 18:16:10 UTC
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his

You're welcome to use my reference # 71720

Inc - Fed up, sick to death of this little boy's trolling and went to
the extreme to have his account TOSsed
Minister Steve
2004-08-30 23:03:03 UTC
Subject: Are You Sick Of Perkoff/2000and2/Dwight/etc.etc.etc.
Date: 30/08/04 19:16 GMT Daylight Time
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his
You're welcome to use my reference # 71720
Inc - Fed up, sick to death of this little boy's trolling and went to
the extreme to have his account TOSsed
actually, I'm more sick of you, and your need to reply to his every post...it's
just not healthy.
Maybe you should get a hobby. Try collecting stamps, or helping the elderly.
You will find it so much more rewarding than BEING A FUCKING IRRITATING TROLL.
2004-08-30 23:51:13 UTC
Post by ~Iñ©üßü§~
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his
You're welcome to use my reference # 71720
Wasn't he dying of AIDS just a year ago and needed a friend?
AIDS just isn't the killer it used to be.
2004-09-01 00:37:30 UTC
Post by ~Iñ©üßü§~
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his
You're welcome to use my reference # 71720
Inc - Fed up, sick to death of this little boy's trolling and went to
the extreme to have his account TOSsed
Who gives a fuck? Its usenet you mental patient. Get a life and
worry about something more important.
2004-09-01 02:08:26 UTC
Post by Rommel
Post by ~Iñ©üßü§~
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his
You're welcome to use my reference # 71720
Inc - Fed up, sick to death of this little boy's trolling and went to
the extreme to have his account TOSsed
Who gives a fuck? Its usenet you mental patient. Get a
life and worry about something more important.
Like the dropping price of oil?
2004-09-01 02:34:23 UTC
Post by Carpetbagger
Post by Rommel
Post by ~Iñ©üßü§~
Call this phone number 866-489-2227 or 414-271-9283
Report him to someone live. He's violated multiple TOS that they
claimed they were not aware of. Don't forget to tell them his
You're welcome to use my reference # 71720
Inc - Fed up, sick to death of this little boy's trolling and went to
the extreme to have his account TOSsed
Who gives a fuck? Its usenet you mental patient. Get a life
and worry about something more important.
Like the dropping price of oil?
Yeah, we are saved huh? Whew....I guess there is no problem since Fox
isnt talking about it anymore.
