(too old to reply)
David Matthieu P.P.
2004-06-29 20:32:56 UTC
Unknowingly Jessica Alba also called the Dark Angel created quite a stir on
the religious Newsgroup alt.messianic. Eventhough the Celebrity has nothing
to do with the creature known in the Bible as the" fallen angel", however a
dicussion about Jessica on this religious forum caused an innocent poster to
loose his account on Google.com.

The whole story started when the unfortuante poster revealed on
alt.messianic that a supposedly believer in Yashua the Christ, was also a
fervent Admirer of the Dark Angel. Yes the truth is, even among all these
pious men religiously going to their Temple with a Bible, many are totally
captivated by the "angelic Beauty" of Jessica Alba. Since some of these men
are married with kids, they cannot openly profess their devotion to the Dark
Angel. The fact is not publicly known, but the "Dark Angel" is revered and
worshipped in places no one would ever think of.

The lesson in all this, never reveal the secret passions of so called
religious men for the dark Angel, unless you are ready to loose all together
your access to USENET and your acount on Google.com.

Free Picrtures for all the Messianic Fans of the Dark Angel:

vince garcia
2004-06-29 23:52:40 UTC
Post by David Matthieu P.P.
Unknowingly Jessica Alba also called the Dark Angel created quite a stir on
the religious Newsgroup alt.messianic. Eventhough the Celebrity has nothing
to do with the creature known in the Bible as the" fallen angel", however a
dicussion about Jessica on this religious forum caused an innocent poster to
loose his account on Google.com.
I thought we were going to be polite and just agree to disagree and stay
out of each other's way, david. Should we really go back to the way
things were?

Your idiot friend who doesn't even know me broke copyright and civil law
by posting libelous, harrassing posts about me and he paid the price as
he and your other friends may pay for libeling nancy here. I--NOT
HIM--was the innocent party.

Now let's nip this in the bud before the flame wars start again. You
ignore me and I'll ignore you and the world will be a better place.
Otherwiose we'll be back and forth calling each other names again and no
one will benefit by that. I apologized to you once, it's now up to you
if you want to re-open the fight if that's what you really want to do
2004-07-02 03:22:51 UTC
On Tue, 29 Jun 2004 23:52:40 GMT, vince garcia
Post by vince garcia
Post by David Matthieu P.P.
Unknowingly Jessica Alba also called the Dark Angel created quite a stir on
the religious Newsgroup alt.messianic. Eventhough the Celebrity has nothing
to do with the creature known in the Bible as the" fallen angel", however a
dicussion about Jessica on this religious forum caused an innocent poster to
loose his account on Google.com.
I thought we were going to be polite and just agree to disagree and stay
out of each other's way, david. Should we really go back to the way
things were?
Your idiot friend who doesn't even know me broke copyright and civil law
by posting libelous, harrassing posts about me and he paid the price as
he and your other friends may pay for libeling nancy here. I--NOT
HIM--was the innocent party.
Now let's nip this in the bud before the flame wars start again. You
ignore me and I'll ignore you and the world will be a better place.
Otherwiose we'll be back and forth calling each other names again and no
one will benefit by that. I apologized to you once, it's now up to you
if you want to re-open the fight if that's what you really want to do
Damn, stopping a flame war before it starts? That has never happened
in here before.

PS: Jessica Alba is a goddess...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?

2004-06-30 22:14:04 UTC
Post by David Matthieu P.P.
Unknowingly Jessica Alba also called the Dark Angel created quite a stir on
the religious Newsgroup alt.messianic. Eventhough the Celebrity has nothing
to do with the creature known in the Bible as the" fallen angel", however a
dicussion about Jessica on this religious forum caused an innocent poster to
loose his account on Google.com.
The whole story started when the unfortuante poster revealed on
alt.messianic that a supposedly believer in Yashua
Post by David Matthieu P.P.
the Christ, was also a
fervent Admirer of the Dark Angel. Yes the truth is, even among all these
pious men religiously going to their Temple with a Bible, many are totally
captivated by the "angelic Beauty" of Jessica Alba. Since some of these men
are married with kids, they cannot openly profess their devotion to the Dark
Angel. The fact is not publicly known, but the "Dark Angel" is revered and
worshipped in places no one would ever think of.
The lesson in all this, never reveal the secret passions of so called
religious men for the dark Angel, unless you are ready to loose all together
your access to USENET and your acount on Google.com.