(too old to reply)
2004-05-13 13:59:24 UTC
Boreanaz not so open to playing Angel again
Posted on Thr, 13-May-2004

The clock is a tickin' down to 'Angel' the soul-adorned vampire's final
moments and every man and his drooling pop has been chatting to much of the
cast about 'where to now'.

David Boreanaz, sounding like he needs a good bitchslappin' across the mug,
told TVGuide that he'll only return to the role of "Angel" if it's for a

TVGO: There are rumors we haven't seen the last of Angel, that there might
be some TV or DVD movies in the future. Would you come back to the

Boreanaz: [Laughs] I don't think I will, no.

TVGO: Seriously?

Boreanaz: Yeah. The only way I would do any kind of loose-end wrapping up
would be if the pieces were right, and if they decided to do it on a
different, higher level, like a film. Joss is doing Serenity [the feature
based on his 2002 short-lived Fox series Firefly], and we'll see how that
goes for him. If they decided to do that with Angel and if the pieces were
right, fine. But you never know where everyone is in their lives at that

TVGO: Where do you see yourself going from here?

Boreanaz: Shooting a film with Martin Scorcese off the coast of Africa.
[Laughs] F---, why not, man? Give me a call, Scorcese. I'm open!

TVGO: Are you reading scripts?

Boreanaz: I haven't thought about it. I have one project that looks like it'
s gonna happen, but I can't talk about it yet. I have some offers coming in.
But most importantly, I'm just gonna chill and not do much of anything. I'm
not in a rush. I'm in a beautiful position because I don't have to worry
about a hiatus. I'm free, and I'm very excited about the opportunities that
lay ahead.
Steve D. Perkins
2004-05-13 14:26:55 UTC
Post by unknown
David Boreanaz, sounding like he needs a good bitchslappin' across the
mug, told TVGuide that he'll only return to the role of "Angel" if
it's for a film.
What does he "need a good bitchslapping" for? He's been doing the
same thing for 8 years straight. I mean, I going to miss the show... but
you've got to be one selfish asshole to fault him for wanting to move on to
new things.
2004-05-13 15:33:04 UTC
He's got fat anyway!

Kaz, not bitter.. no really! :P
Post by unknown
Boreanaz not so open to playing Angel again
Posted on Thr, 13-May-2004
The clock is a tickin' down to 'Angel' the soul-adorned vampire's final
moments and every man and his drooling pop has been chatting to much of the
cast about 'where to now'.
David Boreanaz, sounding like he needs a good bitchslappin' across the mug,
told TVGuide that he'll only return to the role of "Angel" if it's for a
TVGO: There are rumors we haven't seen the last of Angel, that there might
be some TV or DVD movies in the future. Would you come back to the
Boreanaz: [Laughs] I don't think I will, no.
TVGO: Seriously?
Boreanaz: Yeah. The only way I would do any kind of loose-end wrapping up
would be if the pieces were right, and if they decided to do it on a
different, higher level, like a film. Joss is doing Serenity [the feature
based on his 2002 short-lived Fox series Firefly], and we'll see how that
goes for him. If they decided to do that with Angel and if the pieces were
right, fine. But you never know where everyone is in their lives at that
TVGO: Where do you see yourself going from here?
Boreanaz: Shooting a film with Martin Scorcese off the coast of Africa.
[Laughs] F---, why not, man? Give me a call, Scorcese. I'm open!
TVGO: Are you reading scripts?
Boreanaz: I haven't thought about it. I have one project that looks like it'
s gonna happen, but I can't talk about it yet. I have some offers coming in.
But most importantly, I'm just gonna chill and not do much of anything. I'm
not in a rush. I'm in a beautiful position because I don't have to worry
about a hiatus. I'm free, and I'm very excited about the opportunities that
lay ahead.