I've Asked Him to Leave Me Alone Over 2000and2 Times
(too old to reply)
2004-08-29 16:43:54 UTC
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:21:02 -0400, The Most Controversial Person On
http://tinyurl.com/6oke4 2,130 I've asked this guy to leave me
alone, and he won't. He continues to stalk me and reply to every
message I post. Just today I posted a message and he replied to it
crossposting it to multiple groups. I'm asking him to not reply to
this and to just ignore me.
You LIVE to stalk me, everyone knows that fag boy. But when I see you
start mega kooking i've got to put you back in your place. You want me
gone, fine, leave or die cock smoker.
Minister Steve
2004-08-30 04:06:30 UTC
Post by ~Iñ©üßü§~
On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 11:21:02 -0400, The Most Controversial Person On
http://tinyurl.com/6oke4 2,130 I've asked this guy to leave me
alone, and he won't. He continues to stalk me and reply to every
message I post. Just today I posted a message and he replied to it
crossposting it to multiple groups. I'm asking him to not reply to
this and to just ignore me.
You LIVE to stalk me, everyone knows that fag boy. But when I see you
start mega kooking i've got to put you back in your place. You want me
gone, fine, leave or die cock smoker.
LOL Tiny Tim types the word cock again.

I like the way you never say anything different. Pretty much every
post you make is the same as the one you made above.

Maybe that is why you don't have a wife. I get it now. You must be
one of them homosexuals.

So I guess you're for the gay marriage thing?

To bad the guy you want to marry is only 14, you'll have to wait til
he's 18.

Have fun jacking off for the next 4 years.

I'll be giving it to my wife everynight and you'll be rubbing your
penis with your hand.

2004-08-30 04:24:36 UTC
Post by Minister Steve
I'll be giving it to my wife everynight and you'll be rubbing your
penis with your hand.
Changing your nick to Misses Minister Steve does not = Your wife.